1. Turn off your automatic translations.
When you first arrive, it’s easier to turn on automatic translations so that you can navigate to the information you need to find. But once you get to a certain point in your learning, switching them off is well worth the effort. That way, anytime you look at a local website, chances are you’ll start reading it in Dutch automatically.
2. Follow local social media accounts.
If, like most people, you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media, why don’t you try to make it a little educational for yourself? Follow your favorite local businesses, the city of Leuven, and other Dutch language accounts to inject your feed with some language learning. (And make sure that you turn off automatic translations here, too!)
3. Tell people you are learning.
Practice a little phrase to say to people in shops or restaurants so that you can keep the conversation going, rather than switching to English. You’ll be surprised how many people appreciate your effort and will help you if they can (don’t try this one when there is a huge line behind you, though!)
4. Add an image to your email signature.
Add our email banner to your email signature to signal to people you are learning, without even having to remember to say anything. It’s a great reminder for you, too, and might prompt you to try writing an email in Dutch, too! You can download an email banner at the bottom of this page.
We've been testing these in the IHL office, and it's amazing how the email banners help keep you accountable for starting to write more Dutch and lower the barriers to trying to write perfectly because it's clear you're still learning.

And there we have it: four quick tips that can help boost your language learning. There are plenty of opportunities for practicing Dutch in Leuven - keep at it!