Information about banking, financial services, the Belgian tax system and insurances.
If you are over the age of 18 and have been living in Belgium since the previous year, it is required to file your taxes in Belgium.
Looking to buy property in Belgium? Become familiar with the different options of loans, interest rates and property taxes in this article.
If you intend to drive or own a car in Belgium it is obligatory to take out, at least, a third-party liability coverage to help pay for the damage in case of an accident.
Do you have a cleaning lady, nanny, or in-home caretaker? If so, it is required by law to take purchase a domestic staff insurance. Here you will also find more info about "diestencheques".
Third-party liability insurance covers potential damage that you or others inflict on each other.
SBB Accountants & Adviseurs will explain the basics of the Belgian tax system and help you understand how to file your own personal income tax return via tax-on-web.
Opening a Belgian bank account is an important step needed in order to receive your income, pay in shops and make payments for rent, utilities, and more.
Dealing with the annual personal income declaration can be complicated for internationals in Belgium. While plenty of expertise is available in (larger) tax and consulting companies, for an individual it remains difficult to find the right professional assistance to adequately deal with sometimes complex cross-border situations.
Having home insurance is important for both home owners and renters. Learn the general overview about home insurance in Belgium.
Moving out of Belgium? Learn about the services to discontinue when leaving Belgium such as finance services and insurance.
What do you need to know when renting a flat or house in Leuven? During these online info sessions we will cover the basic need-to-knows about renting.