Get Involved

The International House has grown into a thriving community, with more than 100 volunteers. 

Many activities wouldn’t be possible without people offering their time to help, and we are very grateful for that. No matter how much or little time you have to give, whether you’d like to try something new, or commit to helping out longer term, we’d love to hear from you. 

Volunteer as an event host

In 2023, we hosted 269 events; that’s an average of 5 events per week! We have coffee mornings, walks, after-work drinks, meditation sessions and so much more. If you’ve come to a couple of events, and would like to host your own, please tell us about your idea via the form - we’re always looking for new hosts and suggestions. Anna will be in touch to chat through your idea.

Tell us about your idea via this form

Join the Ambassador Program

In 2023 we started an Ambassador program to match newcomers with someone who’s been in Leuven a while already. The idea is to help get newcomers settled quickly - whether that’s help in how to tackle practical issues, or just connecting with someone who knows the city. You can read all about the program here. To get involved, complete the relevant form below - then Sophie will contact you to find a match.

Newcomer application

Welcome host application

Share your local knowledge

Do you have a lot of insights into a particular topic about Leuven or the region? Perhaps you have sampled all the local cheese, or you know Leuven statues and their history inside out? No-matter your specialist topic, we’d love to hear from you so we can share that information with the international community. Contact Rebecca via the form if you’d like to contribute an article, video, social post or even a talk!

Tell us about your specialist topic

I have another suggestion…

Great, please tell us! We are always looking for new ways we can support the international community, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to tell us what you’d like to start up! Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

International House Leuven

International House Leuven

Tiensevest 60
3000 Leuven

Something wrong or unclear on this page? Let us know.
This page was last updated on: 19 September 2024