Voting Invitation
This list covers some of the words that you will find on the voting invitation which you will receive in teh mail. You need to bring this invitation with you to the voting office on October 13th (along with your E-ID).
Stemlokaal | Voting Location |
Stembureau nr. | Voting line |
Stemmen | To vote |
Verkiezingen | Elections |
Gemeente | Commune |
Uitnodigingsbrief | Invitation |
Identiteitskaart | Id card |
At the Voting Location
Questions that could be helpful to find your way upon arrival at your voting location:
Mag ik iets vragen (in het Engels)? | Can I ask you something (in English)? |
In welke rij moet ik wachten? | Which line should I wait in? |
Is dit het juiste stemlokaal/stembureau? | Is this the correct voting location/line? |
Ik stem met een volmacht, wat moet ik doen? | I am voting by proxy, what should I do? |
Vocabulary you will come across in the voting booth:
Voorzitter | Voting location supervisor |
Stemhokje | Voting booth |
Stemcomputer | Voting machine |
Chipkaart | white card with chip |
Blanco | Blank vote (not choosing any specific party) |
Terug | Go back |
Bevestig | Submit |
Uw Keuze | Your choice |
Lijst | Party list |
Kandidaat | Candidate |
Afdrukken | To print |
And at the voting ballot box:
Stembiljet | Voting confirmation or receipt |
Stembus | Ballot box |
Hoe scan ik de QR code? | How do I scan the QR code? |
Wat doe ik met de kaart? | What do I do with the card? |
Kan ik mijn ID terug hebben alstublieft? | Can I have my ID card back please? |
Download and take these words with you!
Using the Voting Machine & Helpful Dutch Vocab/Phrases(pdf, 162.95 KB)