A glance at what is required to work, volunteer, or (re-)start your career in Belgium/Leuven.
Suggestions from our trusted job trainers on how to write your CV for job applications in Belgium.
If you work at least 50% in the private sector in Flanders and take classes at a recognized school, then you could benefit from the Educational Leave.
Are you about to or have you already graduated from a Belgian university in Flanders and want to extend your stay? This article will walk you through your next steps to continue your stay in Belgium.
Before being able to take-up employment in Belgium, several formalities are to be checked. Get a high-level overview of things you need to consider.
This article is a starting point for anyone from outside the EEA wanting to work as an employee in Belgium, and Flanders more specifically (the rules are a bit different in other regions). Typically, you’ll need what’s called a “Single Permit” to live and work here.
A professional card allows you to work as a self-employed (freelancing) international in Belgium. Learn more about the steps needed to obtain this card.
Search years are for students who have recently graduated from university in Belgium and are wanting to stay in the country while looking for employment.
This chamber of commerce (Voka) guide outlines the practical processes of international recruitment from A-Z. An insightful read for jobseekers and hirers alike!
Are you looking for a career boot camp, providing all the tools you need to enter the Belgian job market in just one week? Join our career program consisting of five half-day workshops (free but with no-show fee).
Are you an international in Leuven and ready to tackle the local labor market? Then this workshop is for you!
Are you an international in Leuven and want to rework your CV and motivation letter to fit the Belgian job market?
Do you have questions about studying, your diploma, additional training, etc.? Get information, advice and guidance at the learning hub.
Belgium is a a hub of international business and cultures. Employers can gain significant advantages from embracing the hiring of internationals.
Looking for an opportunity to volunteer in Leuven? Read this article to discover the many places in Leuven that accept volunteers.
An interactive meetup that provides you with everything you need to know to get on your way to work in Belgium with ease and confidence.
The ambassador program connects newcomers and seasoned Leuvenaars for a soft landing upon arrival.