An interactive meetup that provides you with everything you need to know to get on your way to work in Belgium with ease and confidence.
Navigating the Belgian job market can be a daunting task. From how to write a great CV to the languages you need to speak, launching your career in a new country can be overwhelming - and almost like a full-time job in itself. But it doesn't have to be this way.
The Way2Work meetups are where you'll get all the answers to your career-related questions and more. Hosted by Isabelle, Céline & Britt from SkillbuilderS at the IHL, this informal get-together will provide a clear path and concrete guidance to (re)launch your career in Belgium with ease and confidence.
Feel free to send us any questions/subjects when subscribing via the form (see dates above).
What you'll get
- Guided dialogues to answer those frequently asked questions about finding a job in Belgium
- Special career-themed presentation to support your career development journey
- Connect with like-minded international talent that shares job-related experiences such as yours
- This combination of information, learning, and networking will empower you with the right tools to enhance your professional development journey and achieve your ultimate career objectives
- Flexibility, as you needn't commit to the entire series. You come once, twice, ten times or every session, that's completely up to you
- Access to a closed LinkedIn group with additional information, job postings and Q&A opportunities
- A steady pace of meetings: Way2Work takes place every other Thursday
- As a bonus, the International House staff are usually around too, so it's a nice occassion to get other information about life in Leuven as well.
You are welcome to join this informal event free of charge. Registration is not mandatory, although we kindly ask that you do register beforehand. It will help us greatly to prepare the meetings. That being said, walk-ins are very welcome too of course!
The next step in your career is one click away...register via the dates below.
Meet SkillBuilderS
SkillBuilderS is family business that supports companies & individuals since 1986 in discovering, developing & launching their talents in their search for durable workplace happiness.
The most important services: coaching job seekers, outplacement, career guidance, assessment & development, durable organization & talent development
About the coach(es):
Céline is a dedicated professional with a background in both social work and educational behavioral sciences. With those backgrounds, Céline brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role as a Career Counsellor. Since 2023, she has been empowering job seekers from diverse backgrounds, including non-native Dutch speakers, to navigate the Belgian job market with confidence. Known for her enthusiasm and positive outlook, Céline is committed to providing guidance and support to help every individual reach their full potential.
Britt: Together with her background in IT and recruitment, she has a proven track record of guiding people on the Belgian job-market and through the heat of job applications. She is a motivated and creative career counselor since 2024, where she supports native and international talent on the job market. Always happy to talk about your career concerns, questions and cats.
Every other Thursday from 13:00-16:00 (except during school holidays). Register for your date of choice here register now
Date | Topic | Overview |
4/24/2025 | Applying in Belgium 101 | We answer all your work related questions and inspire each other with good practices. We have a bundle of tips & tricks ready to help you find your way into the Belgian job market. |
5/8/2025 | How to read a vacancy | After this session, you'll know how to use a vacancy to your advantage. You'll know what to focus on, how to read between the lines and apply qualitatively. |
6/5/2025 | Resume & Cover letter | Searching for work? It all starts with a qualitative resume and an attention grabbing cover letter! In this session we discuss the do's and don'ts in resume and cover letter and get you going with your own professional documents. |
6/19/2025 | City walk | Today we leave the class-scene. Instead, we go for a work related city-walk in Leuven. We pay a visit to some interesting organisations that might be able to support you in your job hunt. Please be at the International House at 13:00 sharp for take-off. |
International House Leuven (Tiensevest 60)
Free. With thanks to the City of Leuven for funding these events.
Click the button below to register for your date of choice