FAQs about Voting

We hear many questions and rumors about voting in Belgium - here are some of the most common questions and answers

International House Leuven
18 July 2024

Am I allowed to vote?

If you are an EU citizen or you have lived in Belgium for at least 5 years, you are eligible to register to vote.

It’s not my country, should I have a say?

Absolutely. While it may not be the country you are from, you do in fact live within it, and the laws of the city apply to you. If you want a say in what happens to the city you live in, it is important for you to register to vote.

Will I be able to vote in my home country?

Yes! You will still be able to vote in your home country even if you register to vote for the local elections in October.

Does registering to vote mean opting in for life?

No. There used to be laws about mandatory voting once you've registered. But municipal elections are NO LONGER mandatory in Flanders as of this year. Also, international voters can de-register if they want after the elections and they are automatically de-registered if they move permanently abroad.

What if I don’t know about local politics?

No problem! You have time to learn until October, but you need to register before the deadline (July 31st) in order to be able to cast your vote later on. As always, IHL will help you access information to make informed choices about living and thriving in Leuven.

If I am abroad or unavailable to vote in October (even though I am registered) will I still be able to cast my vote?

Yes! You can vote by proxy if you are abroad/unavailable to vote in person in October.

How do I sign up to vote?

You can sign up online in just two minutes - we've made a short article outlining all your options and the links to register.

I'm from the UK, can I register to vote?

This is more complicated - here's a comprehensive answer from the Ik Stem Ook voter information campaign.

"If you were already registered for the 2018 municipal elections, there is no problem and you will still have the right to vote in your municipality on October 13, 2024.

Since Brexit, the following rules apply to persons with British nationality:

  • Registered as a voter before August 1, 2019: no action is required and you will remain registered as a voter.
  • Registered between 1 August 2019 and 31 January 2020: you will remain registered on condition that you have resided in Belgium for five uninterrupted years on 31 July 2024.
  • Registered after 1 February 2020: you must meet the conditions for non-EU citizens (5 years of uninterrupted legal residence in Belgium)."

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This page was last updated on: 23 July 2024