International student? Graduating soon?
IHL is a one-stop-shop to help internationals find information and community in and around Leuven - there’s unlikely to be a visa situation we haven’t encountered or a question we can’t answer about life in Leuven.
The team at IHL can play a key part in helping you get settled as a young professional after your studies. We can help by by answering complex questions, hosting plenty of events and by providing a community for internationals.
We believe that the sooner people learn about IHL (especially during a big transition), the better they settle in, the faster they can focus on their careers, and the longer they’ll stay. So we encourage you to use the IHL to your advantage!
Read on for information and events about...
Getting your immigration paperwork in order
To stay in Belgium after your studies, you have to make sure you have the right to live and work here legally. Make sure you inform yourself about the paths you can take, and keep an eye on your deadlines and expiry dates. Administration can be time-consuming in Belgium, so our top tip is to not underestimate your timelines for formalities!
Finding work in Belgium
The time you spend post-studies looking for a job is practically a full-time job in and of itself. After you are no longer considered a student it can be hard to find assistance that was previously offered by the university. But don't worry, the IHL provides a variety of support when it comes to looking for a job in the Leuven region.
All of our career sessions are hosted by experienced job coaches that specialize in helping internationals get closer to their dream job.
Settling in Leuven, more information you should know...
We admit, it's not always fun to talk about admin and some of the other "boring" topics, but sometimes it is necessary! Our goal is to provide you with all the information you didn't know you needed to know. Beyond our articles, we also have regular info sessions about all kinds of topics.
Getting plugged into the local community
Whether you are looking for a job or have already jumped into working full-time after your studies, a hard transition can be finding a new community when some of your friends may have moved away from Leuven.
The IHL has many different kinds of social events that can help you get plugged into a new community. All of our social events are volunteer-led and were created from the passions and interests of our volunteers. Some of the events are simply to connect people and chat over a drink or coffee; other events are meant to connect people with similar interests.