Check out Expatica's directory to find international schools in Belgium. There's an elementary school in Leuven, and high schools further afield.
In this guide to forging connections with Belgians, Colby - a recent graduate from the US - shares his insights into meeting locals, providing cultural context, tips and resources to broaden your own network.
If you plan to drive a motorized vehicle in Belgium, it is necessary to either register or exchange your non-Belgian licence before you can drive.
Obtaining a Belgian visa allows you to enter Belgium and the Schengen area, either for a short-term stay (maximum 90 days) or a long-term stay (more than 90 days).
Are you staying in Belgium for a maximum of 90 days? Be sure to register your short-term stay with the Leuven town hall.
Staying more than 90 days in Belgium for study purposes? Be sure to register at the town hall when you arrive in Leuven.
There are many ways to connect with local residents or to meet up with fellow internationals in Leuven. Discover how to meet new people in Leuven.
“Kind en Gezin” and “Huis van het Kind” are two Leuven organizations that provide information about raising children, childcare services, parenting and more.
To make the most of your time in the beautiful city of Leuven, it's essential to have the right tools at your fingertips. Learn about helpful apps to use in Leuven.
Find the important emergency numbers in Belgium.
Discover child care options in Leuven and important information about the registration system for child care centers.
Leuven is easy to access by bike, public transport, or car. Learn about the many ways to travel around Leuven.
Belgium's elementary school system (basisonderwijs) comprises preschool and primary school education. Children can enter the elementary school system at preschool starting at the age of 2.5 years.
Learn important information about secondary schools in Belgium (particularly Leuven): how they work, and the procedures to enroll your child in a school in Leuven.
If you have a motor vehicle in Belgium, you will need to obtain a Belgian license plate. Learn more about that process in this article.
IHL community members share their experience with the Ambassador Program
In Belgium, pharmacies are responsible for dispensing and preparing doctor prescribed medication. Learn more about where you can find a pharmacist in Leuven.
Mental health professionals share tips to help internationals adjust and thrive when moving abroad.
Learn how to find a dentist and what you need to know before choosing a dentist.
Discover the need to know emergency numbers for Belgium.
In Belgium, your general practitioner is your first point of contact for all types of medical care in Belgium. Learn more about finding a doctor within Leuven.
Get an overall explanation of the healthcare system and helpful links all in one place.
Learn about health insurance options and how to choose one that fits your needs.
When you want some help around the house, you can use dienstencheques or service vouchers. Learn more about how to use them in this article.
A plaatsbeschrijving or survey/inventory report is mandatory when you move into a house or apartment.
Learn about the basics of renting in Leuven, finding housing, rental contracts, and cost of living.
A rental guarantee is a deposit that is made upon signing for a rental contract. Learn more about the types of rental guarantees.
Learn some tips from local real estate agencies about insights on what was most helpful when looking for a place in a competitive housing market.
Discover the different neighborhoods of Leuven to help you decide where is best for you (and your family) to live.
Moving to Leuven? Be sure to consider what needs to be done to move things such as pets, cars, and other belongings.
Learn about setting up utilities in Belgium and finding a utility provider that fits your needs.
Discover the resources about finding the best and most affordable provider for your home.
Before being able to take-up employment in Belgium, several formalities are to be checked. Get a high-level overview of things you need to consider.
The ambassador program connects newcomers and seasoned Leuvenaars for a soft landing upon arrival.
Having home insurance is important for both home owners and renters. Learn the general overview about home insurance in Belgium.
Opening a Belgian bank account is an important step needed in order to receive your income, pay in shops and make payments for rent, utilities, and more.
If you are over the age of 18 and have been living in Belgium since the previous year, it is required to file your taxes in Belgium.
Participating in Dutch language classes is a key part to integrating to Flanders. Learn about the different options to enroll in Dutch courses in Leuven.