Navigating the Leuven education system can be a challenge for newcomers. This article has been compiled by Maya and Hilary, two local neurodiversity advocates to help make the experience less exhausting.
Leuven offers many options for children to learn Dutch. Discover where they can learn Dutch in Leuven and helpful tips for practising the language in their free time.
Cokido is an organization that connects parents to solve stressful childcare periods, such as times when you’re working during the school holidays.
Moving to a new country can be an exciting yet challenging experience, especially when you have children. Check out these tips that will assist you in navigating the city.
Find the important emergency numbers in Belgium.
If you live in Leuven, you don't have to travel far to enjoy the many activities, events, and sites in the area. Learn what there is to explore in Belgium.
Leuven is easy to access by bike, public transport, or car. Learn about the many ways to travel around Leuven.
“Kind en Gezin” and “Huis van het Kind” are two Leuven organizations that provide information about raising children, childcare services, parenting and more.
Learn about registering your children for holiday and summer camps, registration dates for 2025, and some good to knows and the different kinds of camps available and for which ages.
Leuven offers high-quality before and after school care systems, where children can participate in a number of leisure activities with their school friends.
Discover child care options in Leuven and important information about the registration system for child care centers.
Learn about all the steps to take to ensure medical, psycho-social and administrative guidance during your pregnancy in Belgium.
Learn important information about secondary schools in Belgium (particularly Leuven): how they work, and the procedures to enroll your child in a school in Leuven.
Belgium's elementary school system (basisonderwijs) comprises preschool and primary school education. Children can enter the elementary school system at preschool starting at the age of 2.5 years.
Learn about health insurance options and how to choose one that fits your needs.
When you want some help around the house, you can use dienstencheques or service vouchers. Learn more about how to use them in this article.
The ambassador program connects newcomers and seasoned Leuvenaars for a soft landing upon arrival.
Third-party liability insurance covers potential damage that you or others inflict on each other.